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Coffee Brewing Guides

Starting with our first coffee trees 150 years ago in Cuba, our family has been passionate about crafting quality coffee to ensure the perfect cup. We’ve put together a collection of brew guides with family tips to help you enhance your coffee ritual at home.

How to Make Coffee in a Chemex

Brewing with a Chemex is an elegant way to make a cup of coffee. Currently synonymous with upscale cafes, the Chemex has actually been a coffee brewing staple in homes since 1941. 

How to Make Coffee in a French Press

Although the French press (also known as a press pot, plunger pot or cafetière) was developed more than a century ago, this low-tech yet very elegant method has gained popularity in recent years.

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew is an immersion method that requires time instead of heat, which results in a smooth, refreshing and enjoyable coffee. Making cold brew at home can be a messy process, so we have made it easy and convenient for you to make at home.

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