Chocolate Raspberry Coffee is Here!

Spiked Christmas Coffee Recipe

Intense and deliciously dark French Roast coffee, melted chocolate, and sprinkles. Make this festive spiked coffee recipe and serve it at your next holiday party or gathering for that added wow factor!


1 cup brewed Don Francisco’s French Roast
2 oz half and half
2 oz peppermint schnapps
1 oz coffee liqueur, such as Kahlua
¼ cup dark chocolate chips
Whipped cream
Chocolate shavings

Makes 1 serving


Melt chocolate chips in a shallow dish by microwaving for 30 seconds at 50% power, stirring, and microwaving an additional 15 seconds until smooth.

Dip the rim of a coffee mug in melted chocolate, then shake sprinkles along the rim. Set in refrigerator for 15 minutes for chocolate to harden.

Add brewed Don Francisco’s French Roast to the prepared mug, followed by the coffee liqueur, schnapps and half and half. Stir.

Top with whipped cream, sprinkles, and chocolate shavings.

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