Chocolate Raspberry Coffee is Here!

Raspberry Iced Coffee Recipe

Fresh, ripened berries and delicious hints of chocolate pair wonderfully with Don Francisco's Breakfast Blend Coffee to create a decadent and refreshing iced coffee.


½ cup fresh raspberries
1 tablespoon simple syrup
1 cup brewed Don Francisco Breakfast Blend Coffee
¼ cup whole milk or dairy-free substitute, frothed using a handheld frother
2 tablespoons cacao nibs


Combine raspberry and simple syrup in a small glass or bowl and muddle, or smash together using the end of a wooden spoon.

Combine muddled raspberry mixture with brewed Don Francisco Breakfast Blend into a shaker with ice. Stir until chilled.

In a separate glass, froth cold whole milk.

Fill two glasses with ice, then pour milk into each glass, reserving froth. Top with coffee and raspberry mixture.

Spoon remaining froth on top and sprinkle cacao nibs over the froth. Garnish with extra raspberries, if desired.

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