Coffee of the Month: Butterscotch Toffee. Save 10%!

Heal the Bay - Nothin' But Sand Beach Clean-Up

Don Francisco's Coffee is Partnering with Heal the Bay

Heal the Bay's Nothin' But Sand beach clean-up is taking place all summer long.

With the help of volunteers, the popular beach-clean up takes place every third Saturday of the month providing a unique opportunity for the community to keep Los Angeles County beaches clean. They also learn about ocean pollution, how it impacts the environment, and how they can make a positive impact. 

Volunteers Clean Up the Long Angeles Beaches
Trash Collected From the Beach Clean-Up Efforts
A Volunteer Helps Clean Up the Los Angeles County Beaches
Don Francisco's Extra Perk: Freshly Brewed Coffee Will Be Served

For Dates and Volunteer Sign-Up information go to :

Heal the Bay Beach Cleanups and More - Heal the Bay

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