Coffee Recycling FAQs
How does the recycling program work?
The program enables you to easily recycle coffee pods through our partnership with TerraCycle. Simply sign-up at, collect your coffee pods, download a shipping label and ship your pods for free. You earn points for sending your pods for recycling and can be redeemed for charitable donations to your selected charitable institution.
Who is TerraCycle? Why TerraCycle?
Founded 17 years ago, TerraCycle is a recycling company headquartered in New Jersey with operations in several countries around the world. TerraCycle offers a range of national, easy-to-use recycling platforms allowing everyone to #RecycleEverything, as well as Loop, a sustainable shopping experience moving the world away from single-use packaging.
What can I send in my box?
You can send both your Don Francisco’s Coffee single serve pods and espresso capsules for recycling.
Collect and store your single serve pods and espresso capsules in a plastic bag. Be sure to toe or seal bag, and put in your box before mailing.
Can I use any box to ship my coffee pods?
Yes, you can use any corrugated box stable enough to ship your coffee pods or espresso capsules.
Is shipping free?
Yes, shipping is free. Simply sign in your TerraCycle account, download and print shipping label, then affix to your box.
Our program ships via USPS.
Can I include other pods or capsules from other brands?
We know how difficult it is to separate used pods or capsules of other brands and our primary goal is make it easier for you to recycle.
That is why we can accept coffee pods from other brands, though this program is intended for Don Francisco’s Coffee.
Can I put aluminum capsules or pods in my box?
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