Coffee of the Month: Butterscotch Toffee. Save 10%!

Butterscotch Toffee White Russian

A Sweet and Indulgent Treat with a Kick!

Don Francisco's Butterscotch Toffee coffee liqueur blends impeccably with vodka and heavy cream, creating a smooth and creamy cocktail that's perfect for any occasion.


2 oz coffee liqueur
2 oz vodka
2 oz Don Francisco's Butterscotch Toffee K-Cup, brewed and chilled
2 oz heavy cream


1. Fill 2 glasses with ice cubes.

2. Pour the coffee liqueur, vodka, and cold brew into each glass.

3. Top with a layer of heavy cream.

4. Enjoy!


1. Garnish with a drizzle of butterscotch sauce and a sprinkle of cinnamon for an extra-special treat.

2. Non-dairy milk or cream can also be used in this recipe.

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